Fezandipiti Card Details
Basic Information
- Name: Fezandipiti
- Card Type: Basic Pokémon
- Type: Psychic (💜)
- HP: 120
- Card Number: 096/167 ⭐
- Rarity: Rare
- Card Class: Retainer
- Illustrator: Kouki Saitou
Card Statistics
- Pokédex Entry: No. 1016 Retainer Pokémon
- Height: 4'7"
- Weight: 66.4 lbs.
- Weakness: Dark (⚫) ×2
- Retreat Cost: ⚪ (1 Energy)
Abilities and Attacks
Ability: Adrena-Pheromone
- Effect: If this Pokémon has any Psychic Energy attached and is damaged by an attack, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage.
Energy Feather
- Cost: 💜 (1 Psychic Energy)
- Damage: 30×
- Effect: This attack does 30 damage for each Energy attached to this Pokémon.
Card Art Description
The artwork depicts Fezandipiti soaring against a dramatic sunset sky with its striking red and purple wings spread wide. The Pokémon's elegant design and glowing wings create a powerful presence. The art style emphasizes the mystical nature of this Retainer Pokémon with dynamic lighting and ethereal effects.
Strategy Guide
For Beginners
- Simple energy multiplication mechanic
- Protective ability adds survivability
- Good HP for a Basic Pokémon
- Low retreat cost provides flexibility
For Intermediate Players
- Build energy acceleration strategies
- Use ability to protect key attackers
- Consider multi-energy attachments
- Plan coin flip contingencies
For Advanced Players
- Combine with energy acceleration cards
- Strategic timing of energy attachments
- Use as both attacker and defender
- Consider recovery options for discarded energy
Competitive Tips
- Track attached energy carefully
- Have backup plans for failed coin flips
- Consider Dark weakness protection
- Balance energy attachment with attack needs
- Use ability defensively against strong attacks
Collection Notes
- Part of the new Retainer Pokémon series
- Features dramatic sunset-themed artwork
- The card's flavor text describes its pheromone-based abilities
- Showcases the majestic design of Flying/Psychic-type Pokémon